11 september 2006
EUROPA - EU Labour Force Survey Principal results 2005
EUROPA - Eurostat - Eurostat: Document Details sw3d: 2005 - Issue number 13/2006
This publication presents the figures of the 2005 European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). The main outcomes are:
- The employment rate in the European Union for people aged 15-64 was 63.8% in 2005.
- The female employment rate reached 56.3% in the EU-25 (0.7 point below the Lisbon mid-term target). This is the result of a continuous increase of female participation in employment since 1997.
- The employment rate for older people (i.e those aged 55-64) reached 42.5%, up from the 36.6% registered in 2000.
In this publication one can also find data on several aspects of the labour market of the European Union, Candidate and EFTA countries, such as part-time work, temporary contracts, occupations and participation in education. "