Productivity and Costs:
Table of Contents
Productivity and Costs, Second quarter 2006, Revised
Technical note
Table 1. Business sector: Productivity, hourly compensation, unit labor costs, and prices, seasonally adjusted
Table 2. Nonfarm business sector: Productivity, hourly compensation, unit labor costs, and prices, seasonally adjusted
Table 3. Manufacturing sector: Productivity, hourly compensation, and unit labor costs, seasonally adjusted
Table 4. Durable manufacturing sector: Productivity, hourly compensation, and unit labor costs, seasonally adjusted
Table 5. Nondurable manufacturing sector: Productivity, hourly compensation, and unit labor costs, seasonally adjusted
Table 6. Nonfinancial corporations: Productivity, hourly compensation, unit labor costs, unit profits, and prices, seasonally adjusted
Sources and footnotes for tables
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Last Modified Date: September 06, 2006 "